Lunch with the Copyright Office

Presenters:  Jessica Chinnadurai and Laura Kaiser, Attorney Advisors, Office of Public Information and Education at the U.S. Copyright Office

Join us for a discussion about new developments in copyright law. During this session, you’ll learn about the U.S. Copyright Office’s strategic goals, the benefits of copyright registration, and the Copyright Claims Board (CCB). The CCB is an alternative forum to federal court to resolve copyright disputes involving damages up to $30,000. Presenters will share information on the purpose and features of the CCB, the steps of a CCB proceeding, recent developments, and more.

U.S. Copyright Office:
The U.S. Copyright Office promotes creativity and free expression by administering the nation’s copyright laws and by providing impartial, expert advice on copyright law and policy for the benefit of all. With a staff of around 440 people directed by the Register of Copyrights, the Office examines hundreds of thousands of copyright applications per year, resulting in an average of over half a million registrations annually. Congress has also delegated authority to the Office to develop regulations concerning many areas of copyright law, and these regulations provide the public with a well-functioning copyright system. Additionally, the Office is focused on working with the public, including by answering questions and developing educational programs. We produce a number of helpful CircularsFAQs, and videos that explain copyright and explore the copyright issues we discuss at our events, including this one! The Office is also looking toward the future, working to ensure that we continue to support the thriving U.S. copyright system from both legal and technological perspectives.

Date: March 6, 2024
Credit: 1.0 CLE credits approved
Length: 60 minutes
Fees: $50/MBA Member

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