20 Great Ways to Lose a Trial

Presenter:  Ralph Weber, Weber Advising LLC

During decades as a distinguished trial lawyer, Ralph Weber tried dozens of complex, multi-week trials, earning peer recognition from the American College of Trial Lawyers, Chambers Guide, Best Lawyers, and more. Ralph also taught Trial Advocacy for 25 years at Marquette Law School and created the Trial Science Institute, a facility for studying how jurors and judges respond to disputed cases. And Ralph helped build a nationally renowned Milwaukee trial law boutique.

Through all this work, Ralph experienced the best and worst trial practices. Trying cases, watching mock juries, and speaking with jurors post-trial, Ralph saw how trial lawyers (including himself) did things that backfired. In retrospect, many smart, motivated advocates made head-scratching decisions that lead to the agony of defeat. As one trial lawyer put it, “the most painful wounds are self-inflicted.” Because we all can learn from mistakes, Ralph wrote a series highlighting common errors: “20 Great Ways to Lose a Trial.”

Credit: 1.0 CLE credits
60 minutes
MBA Member Price: $50.00
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