The Double-Edged Opportunity: How AI is Shaping & Challenging the Future of Law

Presenter: Sarah Alt, Chief Process and AI Officer, Michael Best & Friedrich
People are more than twice as likely to remain loyal to and defend what they trust, even in the face of disruption. When it comes to AI, trustworthiness starts with our ability to explain how technology works. We need technology for the awesome power it will give us to be more successful at our jobs. The black-box nature of algorithms may mean we can't explain how they were trained, how they work, or how they are hardened from attack. So, we face a dilemma that isn't new, only the last time this happened it felt like had more notice before it showed up at the party.  Keynote speaker Sarah Alt, will highlight how AI is disrupting the practice of law and how we will welcome it to the table

Date: November 17, 2024
Credit: 1.0 CLE credit approved
Length: 60 minutes
Fees: MBA Member / $50
          Non-Member / $85

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