How COVID Bankruptcies Will Affect Your Practice Area

Presenters: Virginia E. George and Paul G. Swanson, Steinhilber Swanson LLPr

Eventually, we will reach a post-pandemic economy, and many types of clients are likely to be affected by the fallout from COVID-19-related downturns including unemployment, supply chain disruption, inflation, and the myriad changes in finance.

The program places the topic of bankruptcy and out-of-court workouts squarely in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, paying particular attention to debtor protections put in place in the wake of COVID-19 and identifying the types of clients who will be affected when the COVID-19 well runs dry. At the end of the program, you should be able to decide if your practice will expand to “dip your toe” into bankruptcy and identify candidates for bankruptcy and strategies for out-of-court workouts. In addition, participants will learn how to advise non-debtor clients who may be impacted by a customer, tenant, or other debtor bankruptcy filing.

Credit: 1.0 CLE credit
60 minutes
MBA or EDWBA Member Price: $25.00
Non-Member Price:  

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